Tag Archives: sexism in education

A F.Y.S.T. full of feminis

July 10, 2018

My byline is not on the following article but I am sure I did it.

Sometimes one’s byline does not appear on an article if an editor has edited something so much that it is unrecognizable as the journalist’s work.

This could have been the case in this one:


August, ?

A  F.Y.S.T full of feminism

Young feminists realize that pressure to conform in a sexist society often begins in school. Because they often feel isolated in school and in their personal lives. Two feminist support groups have emerged in the province — GAP (Girls are People) in Brandon and FYST (Feminist Youth Studying Together) in Winnipeg — to provide support for young, women’s rights advocates.

“At school, you get the academic education and the sexist education,” said Rain(bow) Springer, a GAP member.

Rain recalls taking a classroom spelling test.

“Bunnies,” the teacher announced the word for his students to spell. “Playboy bunnies are fun to look at.”

The next word was “diving”. Rain saw her chance. “You’re diving into a controversial issue,” she warned her teacher. He caught on, went back to “bunnies” and said. “Bunnies have pink eyes.”

Cindy Brazer, a member of Feminist Youth Studying Together (FYST) in Winnipeg, ran into teacher opposition when she decided to take shops. “Why don’t you take cooking? It’s what you should be doing,” she was told.

Cindy knew better. She had failed cooking and sewing but ended up with top marks in her metals class. But her woman guidance counsellor still suggests that Cindy’s only career alternatives should be in nursing or secretarial areas.

These young women often have to tackle the sexist education system alone. Both GAP and FYST group members say there is seldom a teacher or even another student to whom they can turn for help. All of them agree that the support they get in the young women’s groups help them feel stronger when fighting discrimination back in the schools.

Both young women’s groups are study groups of the Manitoba Action Committee on the Status of Women (MACSW). The GAP members, between the ages of nine and 12, were organized by Brandon MACSW staff member Bev Peters. Daphne Nordal brought the Winnipeg group, aged 14 to 19 together a year and a half ago.


Tanya has been a psychic counsellor for decades now. She once wrote and did readings of her work. Now she just does the readings (but a different type, of course). She is also a reiki master and a fulltime housesitter. For more information, go to her website at teareading.wordpress.com and/or her pages on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google and Align. To book a tea leaf reading or tarot or arrange a housesit, text or call 250-538-0086 or email: tealeaf.56@gmail.com

To read more posts in this blog of eclectic writing genres and topics, go to writingsmall.wordpress.com and tealeaf.wordpress.com

Tanya’s books are Confessions of a Tea Leaf Reader, Friends I Never Knew, Dreams and Tricksters as well as Women Rights/Writes. The first two titles can be bought from the author or amazon.ca  All of Tanya’s titles are in some library systems including the Centennial Library in Winnipeg, Manitoba